Millennials’ Toilet Paper Habits Hard on the Environment
Millennials are more likely to recycle, compost, carpool and take public transportation than any previous generation. But most Millennials don’t realize that one of the biggest daily habits – using soft toilet paper in the bathroom – could also be one of their worst when it comes to the environment.
Despite being one of the most highly educated generations when it comes to ecological sustainability, according to Ad Age, Millennials are slow to realize that their bathroom habits are part of the problem.
Triple-ply toilet paper may feel soft on the bottom, but it’s hard on the environment, warn environmentalists. In the United States, we use about 50 pounds of tissue products per person per year, according to Simple Ecology.
That’s a shocking 50% higher consumption rate than Western Europe and Japan. One tree produces about 100 pounds of paper and paper-related products. That means Millennial households, in the course of normal yearly consumption, will use two entire trees worth of paper-related products. When it comes to tissue product use, toilet paper is the largest hog, accounting for nearly half (45%) of all these paper products.
Premium soft products can get pretty pricey, too. Simple Ecology did a comparison between recycled toilet paper and environmentally friendly toilet paper and the results are surprising. Some ultra soft bath tissue costs nearly double what the same amount of recycled toilet paper would cost. Keep up that spending pattern for a lifetime and it will be just as hard on your wallet as it will be on the environment.
Can recycled toilet paper really make that big of a difference for the environment? Opting for environmentally friendly paper does more than just save trees. Consider these stats:
- Recycled paper uses 50% less water during manufacturing (and Western states like California need all the help they can get conserving water these days!)
- Recycled paper uses 40% less energy in production
- Producing recycled paper products, including toilet paper, causes 74% less air pollution and 35% less water pollution, according to the EPA.
Softening Up Environmentally Friendly Toilet Paper: Hygienic Cleansing Lotion to the Rescue
So here’s the (literal) rub: most environmentally friendly toilet paper is thinner than the fancy tripe-ply products. That’s good for Mother Nature, but not so good for our bums. Anyone who has dealt with Montezuma’s revenge knows first hand that you need a lot of the triple-ply paper to cushion the pain. Fiery poops and a burning hot bottom are no laughing matter! Is it possible to use environmentally friendly toilet paper and not suffer from painful chafing, itching and poor bottom hygiene? Absolutely.
How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Environmentally Friendly Toilet Paper and Hygienic Cleansing Lotion
Rather than relying on flushable wipes (which can cause an even bigger environmental problem with sewer clogs), opt for hygienic cleansing lotion. A dollop of cleansing lotion can ease the rough surface of even the thinnest of toilet tissues. Hygienic cleansing lotion delivers powerful anal itch relief and helps eliminate the chafing and itching problems associated with thinner toilet papers. Think of it as cooling lotion for your bottom. It sure makes going green a lot easier, too!